photo from etonline.com
Last December 20, hubby and I attended the wedding of one of his colleagues at the Peninsula Manila. Being the uber busy couple that we were, we didn't have enough time to buy our wedding gift and our wedding garb. Having nothing new to wear (as I seriously gained so much weight, I had to find a dress to hide my girth), I settled for a mini-dress from BySi (which was on sale!).
We bought our gift on the day of the wedding and decided to just send the gift post-celebration to the couple (the gift-wrapping was taking so long because of the holiday rush). Hubby had to have his pants altered in 45 minutes while I had my nails done. Talk about pressure in attending a wedding.
Since we were in QC, and pre-Christmas traffic was hell, we unfortunately did not make it to the ceremony but arrived during the reception. We tried, we really did. :-(
As soon as we arrived at the Peninsula, we greeted the couple and settled into our seats to enjoy the buffet. I've hosted a wedding and attended numerous functions at the Rigodon ballroom but I had not been there for a long time so I relished the wedding decorations that night. Aside from the drapes and the chandeliers, the right lighting could really enhance the appearance of the room. The prevailing motif was plum and berry so the magenta and blue lights really complemented the color scheme.
Here's a photo of the cake:
I was telling my unmarried sister that maybe, when she gets married, she can wear a gown similar to the fluffy, puffy dress that the lead character wore in the movie and her entourage can wear the blue and white dress that the character "made" from the curtains. haha.

Here's a photo of me and hubby after the wedding, still undoubtedly enchanted with each other. :-P
Happy New Year!